They're back!!
After what seemed like eternity my favorite plastic surgeons had new stories to tell.
Nip/Tuck is back in full form and it had better stay that way.
Moving to LA was a brilliant idea from Ryan and it has given the show a much needed face lift and freshness. The first 2mins showing us the new premises are done really well. How magnificent is the new McNamara/Troy. A basketball court in the premises is a "new"!
"Hearts & Scapels" is hot shit! I laughed my ass off. The writing was brilliant making us aware of smaller details like the nurses' boobs... Back to the McNamara/Troy operating room: The operating room is supposed to the Sterile. Why Christian could hop in and out and leave the door open is simply not right. I bet that was done intentionally to show the flaws in Nip/Tuck itself.
How great was Jennifer Coolidge. Bring her back for more episodes.
The comedic tone seems to tread in the waters that are Grey's Anatomy. Let them not steer away too much from the darker side / superficiality that made Nip/Tuck what it is. Too much of the dark as seen in Season 4 was clearly out of hand.
Sean is the BOSS!! That was nice for a change. It really made me happy to see him actually get some credit. Loads of it. Murphy had almost literally plastered a "loser" sign on Sean's forehead in the previous Seasons. Having "emancipated" Julia, Sean is next. It was interesting to see Christian play wounded puppy. I wonder how much we'll see him do that in the future. Either way, i love Sean's new role as HBIC.
Damn it feels so good writing something new about Nip/Tuck!!!
Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007
Nip/Tuck 501 - Carly Summers
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