ooohh! Sweet. Brilliant! An instant Hit!
Ich bin total begeistert.
What a "lovely" series. Like a fairy tale that you want to go on and on and on.....and so you shall most certainly tune in to the next episode.
I have no idea how the producers are going to keep the magic going but i really want them to. Count me in for the ride!
Am being abit cautious not to get too excited reminiscent of the the pilot of "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" which i watched at around this time one year ago and became of the series. Damn, am bloody excited!
The acting is flawless: Lee Pace (ned) seems just tailored for the role, Anna Friel (chuck) is hot... the directing is absolutely fantastic....
This is the perfect getaway for 42mins.
I say ABC has a new hit on it's hands. Steve McPhearson hat anscheinend einen guten Riecher für gute Serien. "Daisies" passt wunderbar zum Profil ABCs .
Die Serie ist eine Art procedural, ja? Ich meine, wird es "die-leiche-der-Woche" geben..?
Mit viel Marketing schätze ich um die 16Mio Zuschauer für die Premiere.
Montag, 23. Juli 2007
Pushing Daisies
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