Yes, that's the new name for Ryan Murphy's "4oz" and it's really good.
Here a description of the show.
From Nip/Tuck creator Ryan Murphy comes a new drama about a transsexual gynecologist that tracks the metamorphosis of the lead character from married man to woman, through his/her eyes and that of his/her two teenage sons.
The show was originally titled "4oz." .Creator Ryan Murphy says the original title refers to the average weight of a man's penis
Starring: Joseph Fiennes, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jonathan Groff Christopher Egan, Blythe Danner among others.
The Pilot is awesome and really dark. I mean, u know Nip/Tuck..... You can tell that this show will definately push the boundaries. The pilot is a dense stew featuring storylines raging from sex change, transsexuals & cross dressing, to cougars, teen pregnancies, Paedophiles and sure, sex. The minor storylines offer alot of room for development.
I have to say that even many hours after watching the Pilot, i still can't get it out of my head. The music is carefully choosen and the star studded cast is brilliant.
Joseph Fiennes "Bob" is a character that u kind of sympathise with and his perfomance is simply brilliant. Christopher Egan's "Beckit" is the supporting character that u really want to know more about. The lad pulls off a love to hate performance with such notoriety that u basically reserve an emmy for him. Now that he has been cast as the main lead in NBC's "Kings" i worry about the future of the sure. Sarah Paulson herself took the female lead in ABC's "Cupid".
We haven't heard much about the show lately and i really hope it goes into series. It would be foolish for FX to dump this show because it's definitely brilliant and it is a show that would cause some furore and some major indeed. It does push the boundaries.
After "Nip/Tuck" which i don't think will be around for a long time this is definately an excellent replacement. I wouldn't be suprised if FX is going to launch the show along with "Nip/Tuck"'s coming 6th season. The parallels are there and Ryan Murphy's way of story telling is unmissable.
Just wondering, what really goes on in Ryan Murphy's head that he really comes up with such dark themes? Seriously.
Samstag, 28. Juni 2008
Pilot Review: Pretty/Handsome (FX)
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Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007
Nip/Tuck 501 - Carly Summers
They're back!!
After what seemed like eternity my favorite plastic surgeons had new stories to tell.
Nip/Tuck is back in full form and it had better stay that way.
Moving to LA was a brilliant idea from Ryan and it has given the show a much needed face lift and freshness. The first 2mins showing us the new premises are done really well. How magnificent is the new McNamara/Troy. A basketball court in the premises is a "new"!
"Hearts & Scapels" is hot shit! I laughed my ass off. The writing was brilliant making us aware of smaller details like the nurses' boobs... Back to the McNamara/Troy operating room: The operating room is supposed to the Sterile. Why Christian could hop in and out and leave the door open is simply not right. I bet that was done intentionally to show the flaws in Nip/Tuck itself.
How great was Jennifer Coolidge. Bring her back for more episodes.
The comedic tone seems to tread in the waters that are Grey's Anatomy. Let them not steer away too much from the darker side / superficiality that made Nip/Tuck what it is. Too much of the dark as seen in Season 4 was clearly out of hand.
Sean is the BOSS!! That was nice for a change. It really made me happy to see him actually get some credit. Loads of it. Murphy had almost literally plastered a "loser" sign on Sean's forehead in the previous Seasons. Having "emancipated" Julia, Sean is next. It was interesting to see Christian play wounded puppy. I wonder how much we'll see him do that in the future. Either way, i love Sean's new role as HBIC.
Damn it feels so good writing something new about Nip/Tuck!!!
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Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007
Brothers & Sisters 206 - Domestic Issues
It's unbelievable to see how "Bros and Hos" has developed to such a gem in the Television landscape. When i think about the earlier episodes had no sense of direction/ how missguided they were and how good the new season is then i honestly get courage to hope for a better "Bionic Woman".
206 was a perfect episode. Not at one moment did i squirm or think to myself "why am i even watching this".
Kitty's pregnancy: I for one did not see that one coming. Not even with the shrimps (cravings...). It caught me off-guard and i felt my heart beat rising dying to see the results on the test. Then the joy of seeing the gossiping family that cannot keep anything to themselves. Looking at Justin quivering dying to tell Rebecca was a pleasure beyond pleasure. Speaking of which- Justin is addicted to the pain medication, right? I have to say am glad they didn't think of an abortion. I do very much look forward to see how the McAllister campaign will tackle this.
Dammit, it really break my heart to see Sarah bid goodbye to her kids. Wasn't that scene so beautifully done? Nora was just a supportive mum and didn't do a "i hate you Joe" in a melancholic crazy-Nora way..... i mean she was just there for Sarah. Simple. You see how she just looked at Joe?
Rachel Griffiths brought some "Brenda" in this episode. Looooved it!
How funny were "the slutty nurse", "the sexy prostitute?" & Co. who wanted candy at the Walker's doorstep! Mmmh... let's see what I'll be dressed as tomorrow. Am not too old for that...
Kevin was surprisingly cooled off this time. Where is Scotty?
Tommy and the brilliant Lena- this is such a reminiscent of Holly & William. Expect the affair to come in the open and all blame is gonna be on Holly.
An excellent episode in writing , acting as well as in the choice of music. Can't wait for next week.
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Sicher eine der besten Serien von 2007. Showtime hat uns 12 tolle Folgen geschenkt.
Hab gestern eine Folge "X-Files" gesehen und mich hat's sehr positiv überrascht wie sich David Duchovny als Schauspieler entwickelt hat. Zugegeben, dass seine Rolle in "X-Files" komplett anders war als die von Hank Moody... man sieht aber schon wie gut und "erwachsen" der Mann geworden ist.
Madeleine Zima ist und bleibt wohl die größte Überraschung. War das mal wirklich "Gracie" von "Die Nanny"? Die "Fuck & Punch"-Folge war schon unglaublich (Mann, die Sexgewohnheiten der Bewohner dieser Erde).... dass sie aber so manipulativ und richtig "rotten" sein könnte.... (was schreibe ich da, sie ist eine Schauspielerin).
Sie war One-i-love-to-hate. Erst in der letzte Folge hat sie mir einen netten Eindrück gemacht.
Egal. All in all ist "Californication" eine sehr clever geschriebene und unterhaltsame Serie. Schade nur, dass wir nun fast ein ganzes Jahr auf neue Folgen warten müssen!!!
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Mittwoch, 26. September 2007
Prison Break!
Nasty! Nasty! Nasty!
Neue Staffel! Neue Geschichte! Neue Charaktere!
Oft wurde gesagt, dass Prison Break spätestens nach der 2. Staffel hätte enden müssen. Das habe ich mir auch gedacht, als der eigentlich Gefängnisausbruch zu lange dauerte. Trotzdem -oder weil- mag die Serie und wollte mehr von den Jungs sehen. So ist es halt wenn man ein Serienjunkie ist. (Hilfe!)
Zur 3. Staffel: Ist sicher gut gemeint..... ein Teil von mir ist nicht mehr dabei. Trotzdem werde ich jede Woche zugucken weil ich es eindfach nicht lassen kann.
Scoffield wird sicher aus dem Knast ausbrechen- das wissen wir eh alle- ich kann nur hoffen, dass es nicht zu lange dauern wird.
Die Reise bis zum Ausbruch soll auch recht spannend bleiben!!!!
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Dienstag, 25. September 2007
Mad Men
THE EPITOME OF HOTNESS!!! And nothing less!
This has got to be one of the best shows of the year, if not ever. It's already in my category of premium series in the company of "The Sopranos" and SFU. A quality hour of entertainment that takes me on a trip to a time period that i had no clue of.
1. Let me start with COSTUMES & DECO.
The eye popping high waisted dresses the ladies wear are enough to leave you wondering. Noticed the small things like the kind of cookers they use and the glasses the drink with? Magnificent.
Then you have the brilliant cars that make you wanna jump through the screen and ride or browse the next car show with such vintage beauties.
The Producers did manage to really use a very convincing backdrop to transform the viewer to the time period intended.
Flawless. Clever and brilliant. Joanna Lovinger (one of the script coordinator) did the same in "Six Feet Under" & "ROME".
I find it really interesting to see how people dealt along racial lines and the absurdity of the male chauvinists in the series.
How lucky are we to live in a time period where in many situations that is no longer the case. Yes, there are some male chauvinists and a lot of racism today....but it's not like you can't have a person of say African decent/ female in a good career position and as educated as his/her other counterparts
The shows gives us a nice insight into the advertising world. (Ok, am not i can justify that very well.... Who cares, the show is hot!)
4.You obviously cannot help but admire the actors who carry the show.
Jon Hamm was a great choice for this role. I've certainly got to admit that i had not heard of this dude before the show premiered. How brilliant is Christina Hendricks! Love her! Speaking of which- i scarcely knew that a network called AMC existed before the buzz of the Madison Avenue Men hit the net.
Ya, well. With a second season on the way i can hardly wait for next summer to gobble up the all new episodes.
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Freitag, 31. August 2007
FREEEE!!!! At Last!
Nun hab ich mal endlich wieder Zeit zu posten.
Ich kann's kaum warten was über "Mad Men", "Californication"..und und und zu schreiben!
Abgesehen davon war ich bei der "Heroes World Tour- München" und hab eine Menge zu schreiben.
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Montag, 23. Juli 2007
Pushing Daisies
ooohh! Sweet. Brilliant! An instant Hit!
Ich bin total begeistert.
What a "lovely" series. Like a fairy tale that you want to go on and on and on.....and so you shall most certainly tune in to the next episode.
I have no idea how the producers are going to keep the magic going but i really want them to. Count me in for the ride!
Am being abit cautious not to get too excited reminiscent of the the pilot of "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" which i watched at around this time one year ago and became of the series. Damn, am bloody excited!
The acting is flawless: Lee Pace (ned) seems just tailored for the role, Anna Friel (chuck) is hot... the directing is absolutely fantastic....
This is the perfect getaway for 42mins.
I say ABC has a new hit on it's hands. Steve McPhearson hat anscheinend einen guten Riecher für gute Serien. "Daisies" passt wunderbar zum Profil ABCs .
Die Serie ist eine Art procedural, ja? Ich meine, wird es "die-leiche-der-Woche" geben..?
Mit viel Marketing schätze ich um die 16Mio Zuschauer für die Premiere.
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Samstag, 21. Juli 2007
Serien Am Mittwoch auf ProSieben
Reality shows am Dienstag, erfolgreiche Serien am Mittwoch! ProooooooooooSieben.
Seit dem 4.4.2007 laufen Mittwochs die folgende Serien auf ProSieben : Cold Case/ ER/ Weeds/ nip/tuck
Cold Case hat sich langsam zum "Hit" gemäusert - heißt über dem ProSieben-Sendeschnitt. ER läuft eher knapp unter dem Sendeschnitt und Weeds liegt um einiges darunter. Im kommenden Sommer gibt's übrigens ein Wiedersehen mit dieser Kombination.
Ab September sollen sich die Serien Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, & Brothers & Sisters Mittwochs behaupten.
Der Konkurenz ist nicht gerade machtlos: VOX hat seine Krimis, RTL die Doku-soaps, Sat.1 hat...ok bestimmt irgendwas.
Es mag sein dass ich ProSieben mag aber.... der rote Sieben könnte an diesem Wochentag viel Erfolg verbuchen.
Da ich weder ein Fan von Crime procedurals, Docu-soaps noch ARD-Filmen bin (sendet ZDF an diesem Wochentag überhaupt?), hat der "Serien-Dienstag" sehr gute Chancen am Mittwoch erfolgreich zu werden.
Ok, nun hab ich das Gefühl das ich gerade nix vernünftiges geschrieben habe. What the hell...
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Neuer ProSieben Dienstag
Ja, der Dienstag war seit eh und je der Serientag auf ProSieben. An dem Tag liefen ER, das Aushängeschild Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, Friends, Coupling, und neulich auch Grey's Anatomy.
Seitdem der Kölner Kommerzkanal RTL "Dr. House" (und CSI:Miami) Dienstags sendet fielen die Quoten der ProSieben-Serien (DH) in den Keller. Die 2. Staffel Desperate Housewives mag kreativ etwas nachgelassen haben aber.... die Quoteneinbruch war extrem.
Da hat man in Unterföhring in der Chef-etage entschieden der Dienstag-Primetime umzuprogrammieren. Derzeit laufen dort Dokusoaps eher wenig erfolgreich.
Ab dem 28.8.2007 schaut's so aus:
20.15 Survivor
21:15 Das Model und der Freak
22.15 Besserwisser
23:15 TV Total
Clever. Gegen die RTL-Serien war man zum größten Teil eh Chancelos und es ist eingentlich clever von ProSieben eine "counter programming" zu Starten bzw. zu etablieren.
Ich frage mich nur, ist der verwöhnte durchnittliche ProSieben-Zuschauer bereit den Show-dienstag anzunehmen? Wird "Model & Freak" gegen der übermächtige "House" ankommen?
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Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007
Donor Show ein Erfolg!
Nach der fake donor Show haben sich 12.000 Leute als Organspender angemeldet. Normalerweise sind es etwa 3-4000 Neuanmeldung monatlich in der Niederlande.
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Tour de France auf ProSieben.Sat1
Who cares?
Bloß weil ein Spotler gedoppt hat ist es kein Anlass dafür, die Radsport-übertragung einzustellen. Shame on you ARD/ZDF!
Es mag sein dass ein drittel der Einnahmen aus TV-Übertragungen aus Deutschland kommen (laut aber.. geht es um Sport oder Geld oder um einfach gehört zu werden?.... Was will uns ARD/ZDF sagen:'Ich habe das Geld und das zählt!' My ass!!
ARD/ZDF sollen sich lieber darüber kummern die MA bei den jungen Zuschauer zu steigen. This bloody fucking holier-than-thou-attitude from these 2 older skewing webs is completely annoying and immature. People should just grow up!
Was ist so schlimm daran,dass Sat.1 sich die Übertragungsrechte geschnappt hat? Eurosport ist nicht überall empfängbar und daher ist es eigentlich was erfreuliches, dass das ganze Land Tour de France sehen kann/darf.
Well, kudos an Sat.1
Ich bin kein großer Fan von Radsport, einschalten habe ich aber heute schon.
Quoten bitte.....
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Sat.1 Am Mittag Axed!
I seriously do not get it.
This lunchtime mag was never a critical darling. It indeed received alot negative press in the past. So why the hell is there such an outcry that Sat.1 has canceled the show. I must say though, that the way in which it was canceled was not appropriate. Plus, given the ratings.... it was show that was most certainly performing well in ad sales.
So what does the german media actually want? Why do i even read all the bloody press?
Why am i even writing this bull?
Please,like the people won't turn up in droves to watch reruns of "Salesch". Seriously!!
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Samstag, 2. Juni 2007
Nieren-Donor-Show ein Fake!!!
Unglaublich aber wahr! Die Donor Show war ein Fake! Jepp!
Der Sender BNN wollte nur etwas Aufmerksamkeit in Sachen Organspende machen!
Die "Spenderin" war eine Schauspielerin und die zwei Patienten (echte Patienten) wussten dass die ganze Sache ein Fake war. Das nenne ich ein gut behütetes Geheimnis.
Anyhos, hast du ein Organspenderausweis?
Kudos an BNN und Endemol!
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Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007
"24" 2 More Days!
Jack Bauer has two more days to save the world. Well, let's say on two different occasions.
Fox has renewed the real time series for two more seasons according to reports from the 'Hollywood Reporter'.
I truly want to hope and believe that they are through with the creative slump.
That being said. Yipee!
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